Foreword p1/1

The Wild Lights Photography web site is dedicated to photography of those wild and remote
areas around the world that makes it goes round. These areas give a fantastic feeling to those people who can visite them and turn the others to dreaming of the day that they can..

City life can be superficial, the wild is not. That is what this site is all about…

Browsing through the galleries will give you an inside view of the wild areas of different countries. Special attention is given to New Zealand and its off shore islands, India, Nepal, Tibet and the North American continent.

Contrasting this is a special event that takes the form of New Year's Eve 2000 in Moscow, Russia's brightest city. We capture the light pouring down into Red Square illuminating tens of thousands of Russians. It was something that has to be seen to be seen to be believed.


Or check out our regular Galleries Slideshow